Page "%1!.200s!" contains a throw that is recursive, or that is nested more than %2!d! levels. Including stopped at "%3!.200s!".
Package - WFR1 - A package may only own or reference packages, subsystems, classifiers, associations, generalizations, dependencies, ...
Package - WFR2 - No referenced element (excluding association) may have the same name or alias as any element owned by the ...
Package - WFR4 - No referenced element (association) may have the same name or alias combined with the set of associated ...
Package - WFR5 - Referenced elements (association) may not have the same name or alias combined with the same set of associated ...
Page "%1!.200s!" contains a throw that is recursive, or that is nested more than %2!d! levels. Including stopped at "%3!.200s!". ...
Page "%1!.200s!" contains an include that is recursive, or that is nested. Aborted processing link information and FrontPage ...
Page %d and Page %d both use the name '%s'. Please rename one of the Web pages, using the Web Properties dialog box, so each ...
Page %d contains overlapping objects that include an animated GIF. The animated GIF will be converted to a static graphic ...
Page %d contains overlapping objects that include an HTML code fragment. The HTML code fragment will be converted to a graphic ...