error %3: Failed to enqueue a request for deferred file deletion for %1 package because the following error was encountered for the %2 package dependency file: %4
error %3: Cannot register the %1 package because the following error was encountered while removing the %2 package dependency ...
error %3: Cannot register the %1 package because the following error was encountered while trying to read the package: %2. ...
error %3: Cannot register the %1 package because the following error was encountered: %2. Verify that the package's 'resources.pri' ...
error %3: Cannot retrieve file usage for the %2 package dependency file in the %1 package because the following error was ...
error %3: Failed to enqueue a request for deferred file deletion for %1 package because the following error was encountered ...
error %3: Failure processing %1 package because %2 package dependency file is in use by %6 processes. Process[%5 = processid ...
error %3: Failure processing %1 package because %2 package dependency file is in use by %6 processes. Process[%5 = processid ...
ERROR %3]: An error occurred creating or emptying the folder '%1'. Make sure the folder is not open in another application, ...
ERROR %3]: An error occurred removing the temporary network share '%2'. The error code was %1. Check the Event Viewer on ...