The local domain controller has attempted to replicate the following object from the following source domain controller. ...

The local domain controller has attempted to replicate the following object from the following source domain controller. This object is not present on the local domain controller because it may have been deleted and already garbage collected.  
Source domain controller: 
Object GUID: 
Replication will not continue with the source domain controller until the situation has been resolved.
User Action  
Verify that the object was deleted on this domain controller or in the forest. If object restoration is desired, authoritatively restore the object on the source domain controller. If restoration isn't desired, install the support tools included on the installation CD and use "repadmin /removelingeringobjects" on the source domain controller to remove the object from the forest and continue replication. To allow automatic restoration of this object and future similar objects, the following registry key can be set.  
Registry Key: 
English (United States)