To resize this object, position the mouse pointer over a square selection handle on the object, and drag. To move this object, drag the border between two selection handles.
To request feedback on this document, type the names of the people who need to review it on the Reviewers line. Each person ...
To request signatures be added to this document, type the names of the people who need to sign on the Signer lines. Each ...
To require users of Self-Service Site Creation to supply a secondary contact name on the signup page, select Require secondary ...
To reschedule the successor tasks regardless of whether they have constraints, you can clear the Tasks will always honor ...
To resize this object, position the mouse pointer over a square selection handle on the object, and drag. To move this object, ...
To resolve this conflict, you can discard your changes and keep the other changes, you can retry your changes, or you can ...
To resolve this error, change the data type of either the control source or the bound column of the Lookup field to match ...
To resolve this issue, the Visio Graphics Service administrator must assign a value equal to or larger than {0} minutes to ...
To resolve this issue, the Visio Graphics Service administrator must assign a value equal to or less than {0} seconds to ...