The methods {0} and {1} use the same request element and the methods {0} and {4} use the same SOAPAction '{5}'. Each method ...

The methods {0} and {1} use the same request element <{2} xmlns='{3}'> and the methods {0} and {4} use the same SOAPAction '{5}'. Each method on the XML Web service must have a unique SOAPAction or request element. If you are using the Rpc style, you can change the message name with the RequestElementName and RequestElementNamespace parameters to SoapRpcMethodAttribute. For document style using wrapped parameter style, use the RequestElementName and RequestElementNamespace parameters to SoapDocumentMethodAttribute. For the bare parameter style, you must change the element that represents the parameter. Alternatively, you can specify a unique SoapAction for each method using the Action parameter to SoapRpcMethodAttribute or SoapDocumentMethodAttribute.