Computer account: Use the computer account of the top-tier site of your destination hierarchy to connect to the Configuration Manager site server in the source hierarchy.
Component Status Summarizer reset the count of Warning status messages reported by component "%1" on computer "%2" for the ...
Component Status Summarizer reset the status of component "%1", running on computer "%2", to OK.%12 Component Status Summarizer ...
Component Status Summarizer set the status of component "%1" running on computer "%2" to Warning.%12 Possible cause: The ...
Component Status Summarizer set the status of component "%1", running on computer "%2", to Critical.%12 Possible cause: The ...
Computer account: Use the computer account of the top-tier site of your destination hierarchy to connect to the Configuration ...
Computer clock synchronization between {0} and {1} exceeds maximum tolerance level of 5 minutes. The computer clocks on these ...
Computer name: {1} Domain: {2} Detection time(UTC time): {3} Malware file path: {4} Remediation action: {5} Action status: ...
Computer name: {1} Malware names: {2} Last detection time(UTC time): {3} Detection interval (minutes): {4} Number of infections: ...
ConfigMgr cannot create the specified folder. Refresh the Configuration Manager console and try to create the folder again. ...