Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP [] The command for which to display detail help. If no command is specified, HELP will display all possible commands. Example: HELP HELP CREATE PARTITION PRIMARY
Displays a list of disks. Syntax: LIST DISK Displays a list of disks and information about them, such as their size, amount ...
Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. DIR drive:][path][filename /A[:]attributes /B /C /D /L /N /O[:]sortorder ...
Displays a list of partitions in the partition table for the selected disk. Syntax: LIST PARTITION On dynamic disks, the ...
Displays a list of replication failures that Knowledge Consistency Checker (KCC) is aware of. Run this command from the console ...
Displays a list of the available commands or detailed help information for a specified command. Syntax: HELP The command ...
Displays a list of virtual disks. Syntax: LIST VDISK Displays a list of virtual disks and information about them. The disk ...
Displays and modifies the IP-to-Physical address translation tables used by address resolution protocol (ARP). ARP -s inet_addr ...
Displays command line output in English. Examples: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Format:Table /English /Get-Packages DISM.exe ...
Displays event log configuration information, including whether the log is enabled, the current maximum size limit of the ...