SMS Status Manager received a status message reported by component "%1" running on computer "%2", and the time stamp on the ...

%11SMS Status Manager received a status message reported by component "%1" running on computer "%2", and the time stamp on the message is more recent than the current system time on the site server.

Possible cause: The system clock on computer "%2" is %3 or more seconds ahead of the site server's system clock.
Solution: Synchronize the system clock of computer "%2" with the site server's system clock. Please refer to your Windows NT Server documentation or the Microsoft Knowledge Base for further information.

SMS Status Manager will process status messages with improper time stamps when the site server's system clock surpasses the improper time stamps. For example, this status message will not be processed for %3 seconds. SMS Status Manager will continue to report this problem every 24 hours until you fix it. SMS Status Manager will not report this problem if the system clock of computer "%2" is less than five minutes ahead of the site server's system clock.%0
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