Specifies how a License Server distributes license upgrades to terminal servers running Windows 2000. A License Server attempts ...

"Specifies how a License Server distributes license upgrades to terminal servers running Windows 2000. 

A License Server attempts to provide the most appropriate Client Access License (CAL) for a connection. For example, a License Server provides a Windows 2000 Terminal Services (TS) CAL token for clients connecting to a terminal server running Windows 2000 operating system, and a Windows Server 2003 family TS CAL token for a connection to a terminal server running Windows Server 2003. 

By default, this per-computer setting allows a License Server to supply a Windows Server 2003 family TS CAL token, if available, to a terminal server running Windows 2000 operating system if there is no Windows 2000 server TS CAL token available. 

If the status is set to Enabled, when a terminal server running Windows 2000 server requests a license, but no Windows 2000 server TS CAL token is available, a temporary CAL is issued if the client has not already been issued a temporary CAL. Otherwise, no CAL is issued and the client is refused connection, unless the terminal server is within its grace period. 

If the status is set to Disabled, the default behavior is enforced. 

If the status is set to Not Configured, the License Server exhibits the default behavior."
English (United States)