Usage: %1!s! name= proto=]tcp|udp publicip= | publicport=]integer privateip= privateport=]integer Parameters: Tag ...

Usage: %1!s! [name=] [proto=]tcp|udp [publicip=]|        [publicport=]integer [privateip=] [privateport=]integer   Parameters:         Tag            Value       name         - The name of the interface for which you want to add a                      port mapping to be enabled for use with NAT.       proto        - One of the following values:                      tcp: Sets protocol type to TCP.                      udp: Sets protocol type to UDP.       publicip     - Either a specified external IP address on the public                      network or to indicate any IP address not                      specified within the private network address range.       publicport   - A number from 0 to 9999 for the public protocol port.       privateip    - An IP address within the private network range.       publicport   - A number from 0 to 9999 for the private protocol port.   Remarks: Adds a protocol port mapping on the NAT interface.   Examples:          %1!s! local tcp 80 80