Unable to connect and create data source {0}. Connection Details - Server Name: {1}, Connection String: {2}, Database Name: {3}, Cube Name: {4}.
Unable to compare project property because property to be compared is invalid or is not available on the server. Error is: ...
Unable to complete the operation '{0}' because the content deployment job you created has not been saved yet. Save the job, ...
Unable to complete transaction - the server requested authentication information (userid/password) using an authentication ...
Unable to configure the default stand-alone configuration settings because SharePoint Products was not installed in stand-alone ...
Unable to connect and create data source {0}. Connection Details - Server Name: {1}, Connection String: {2}, Database Name: ...
Unable to connect publishing blob caching. Web.Config is not set up correctly. Cache is not valid. WebId is '%1', Url is ...
Unable to connect to any instance of the service application {%1} at {%2}. This could be caused due to network connectivity ...
Unable to connect to data source. Reason: Access denied. You either made a mistake typing in your User ID and/or Password, ...
Unable to connect to data source. Reason: Unable to locate database server. Verify that the database server name you entered ...