Modify existing storage report jobs. The syntax of this command is: Storrept Reports Modify /Task:TASK /New-Task:NEW_TASK ...

Modify existing storage report jobs.

The syntax of this command is:

Storrept Reports Modify /Task:TASK [/New-Task:NEW_TASK] [/Scope:"SCOPE"]
                        [/Format:"FORMAT"] [/MailTo:EMAIL] [/Quiet]

Storrept Reports Modify /Task:TASK {/Add-Report:TYPE | /Modify-Report:TYPE}
                        [/New-Task:NEW_TASK] [/Scope:"SCOPE"]
                        [/Format:"FORMAT"] [/MailTo:EMAIL] [/Quiet]
                        [/Name:"NAME"] [/FileName:PATTERN]
                        [/MinSize:MIN_SIZE[kb|mb|gb]] [/MaxAge:MAX_AGE]
                        [/MinAge:MIN_AGE] [/MinUse:MIN_USE]
                        [/Owner:"OWNER_LIST"] [/FileGroup:"FG_LIST"]
                        [/Property:"PROPERTY"] [/Remote:MACHINE]

Storrept Reports Modify /Task:TASK /Delete-Report:TYPE [/New-Task:NEW_TASK]
                        [/Scope:"SCOPE"] [/Format:"FORMAT"] [/MailTo:EMAIL]
                        [/Quiet] [/Remote:MACHINE]

   /Task:TASK                 Modify the report job with scheduled task TASK.

   /Add-Report:TYPE           Add/modify/delete a report of type TYPE to/from
   /Modify-Report:TYPE        the report job. TYPE is one of the following:
   /Delete-Report:TYPE           DuplicateFiles        - Duplicate files report
                                 Export                - Export report
                                 FileScreenAudit       - File screen audit
                                 FilesByFileGroup      - Files by file group
                                 FilesByOwner          - Files by owner report
                                 FilesByProperty       - Files by property
                                 LargeFiles            - Large files report
                                 LeastRecentlyAccessed - Least recently
                                                         accessed files report
                                 MostRecentlyAccessed  - Most recently accessed
                                                         files report
                                 QuotaUsage            - Quota usage report

   /New-Task:NEW_TASK         Associate the report job with scheduled task

   /Scope:"SCOPE"             Gather report data from SCOPE. SCOPE is a list of
                              volumes and folder paths separated by '|'.

   /Format:"FORMAT"           Generate the report job in the specified formats.
                              FORMAT is one or more of the following separated
                              by '|':
                                  CSV, DHTML, HTML, TXT, XML

                              Only CSV and XML are valid for Export reports.
                              Default is DHTML and XML for all report types
                              except Export; the default for Export is XML.

   /MailTo:EMAIL              Send the reports to recipients EMAIL. EMAIL is a
                              semicolon-separated list of recipients.

   /Quiet                     Modify the report job task without prompting.

   /Name:"NAME"               Set report name to NAME.

   /FileName:PATTERN          Set file name pattern filter PATTERN. Only valid
                              with reports of type:


                              Set minimum file size MIN_SIZE. By default
                              MIN_SIZE is in KB, but "kb", "mb", and "gb" can
                              be appended to specify other units. Only valid
                              with reports of type:

   /MaxAge:MAX_AGE            Set maximum file access time MAX_AGE in days.
                              Only valid with reports of type:

   /MinAge:MIN_AGE            Set minimum file access time or screening
                              violation MIN_AGE in days. Only valid with
                              reports of type:

   /MinUse:MIN_USE            Set minimum quota usage MIN_USE %%. Only valid
                              with reports of type:

   /Owner:"OWNER_LIST"        Set list of file owners. OWNER_LIST can be a list
                              of one or more users separated by '|'.
                              OWNERS_LIST can be empty to specify all users.
                              Only valid with reports of type:

   /FileGroup:"FG_LIST"       Set list of file groups. FG_LIST can be a list of
                              one or more file groups separated by '|'. FG_LIST
                              can be empty to specify all file groups. Only
                              valid with reports of type:

   /Property:"PROPERTY"       Set property name.  PROPERTY is a valid property
                              definition.  Required for and only valid with:

   /Remote:MACHINE            Perform the operation on machine MACHINE.

   Storrept Reports Modify /Task:mytask /New-Task:mytask2 /Format:"CSV|XML"

   Storrept Reports Modify /Task:largefilestask /Scope:"D:\|E:\"
      /Add-Report:LargeFiles /FileName:"*.zip" /MinSize:50mb

   Storrept Reports Modify /Task:quotatask /Modify-Report:QuotaUsage /MinUse:50

   Storrept Reports Modify /Task:reportstask /Delete-Report:DuplicateFiles