The server registration certificate for this server is no longer valid and cannot be used to authenticate this server with the backup service.
The operation attempted cannot be performed at this time because maximum number of parallel restore jobs are already running. ...
The Operation failed since file/folder %FileName; was not accessible. This could be due to the file/folder being corrupt ...
The selected application {0} cannot be recovered to original location since it is not registered. Please select alternate ...
The server registration certificate could not be retrieved from the local certificate store. Verify that a valid certificate ...
The server registration certificate for this server is no longer valid and cannot be used to authenticate this server with ...
The service might be installing an update or be in the process of being recovered. Please try the operation again after a ...
The service version of the backup service and the Microsoft Azure Recovery Services Agent do not match. Please install the ...
The specified file path %FileName; is invalid because it is under a reparse point. You cannot backup files that are under ...
The specified file path %FileName; is invalid for one or more of the following reasons 1) It refers to a path that is not ...