Usage: GalGrammarGenerator.exe [-d dialplan] [-s server] [-p] [-u] [-g] [-l] [-x] [-o ] -d: generate a dialplan scoped grammar for the given dialplan. -s: If the argument is a valid UM server, then this application will find out all the dialplans that are associated with this server. For each dialplan, it will generate a dialplan scoped grammar. -p: all generated files are pre-loaded by the platform. -u: The DTMF map is updated for the users. -g: The grammar for the GAL is generated. -x: The file specified in the argument is used as a filter for grammar generation. The filter should be in the XML format. For an example, see speechgrammarfilterlist.xml in the bin directory of the exchange installation. -o: The specified logfile will contain debugging information. NOTE: The arguments above cannot be combined. The GalGrammarGenerator will only generate grammar for the dialplan, server, GAL, or update DTMF Map per invocation.
Uninstall mode cannot be specified when Microsoft Exchange Server is not installed on this machine. To list the available ...
Unsubscribe Total is the total number of UNSUBSCRIBE commands that have been received since the IMAP service was started. ...
Update causes the Offline Address Book to be regenerated, which can take several minutes. Are you sure you want to continue? ...
Update rollup 1 for Windows 2000 Service Pack 4 is not installed on server {2}. This update is highly recommended for computers ...
Usage: GalGrammarGenerator.exe -d dialplan -s server -p -u -g -l -x -o -d: generate a dialplan scoped grammar for the given ...
Usage: {0} Options: -cfg Read the settings and rules from configuration . The default is ExBPA.Config.xml in \program files\exbpa\ ...
Usage: {0} The Microsoft Exchange Transport service. This process must be executed by the Microsoft Exchange Transport service. ...
Usage: {0} The Microsoft Exchange {1} server. This process should be executed by the Microsoft Exchange {1} Service. Running ...
Use the IP Allow List feature to specify IP addresses that are always allowed to connect to and transmit e-mail messages ...