manage-bde -on Volume {-RecoveryPassword|-rp} NumericalPassword {-RecoveryKey|-rk} PathToExternalKeyDirectory {-StartupKey|-sk} ...

manage-bde -on Volume
        [{-RecoveryPassword|-rp} [NumericalPassword] ]
        [{-RecoveryKey|-rk} PathToExternalKeyDirectory]
        [{-StartupKey|-sk} PathToExternalKeyDirectory]
        [{-Certificate|-cert} {-cf PathToCertificateFile|
                               -ct CertificateThumbprint}]
        [{-TPMAndStartupKey|-tsk} PathToExternalKeyDirectory]
        [{-TPMAndPINAndStartupKey|-tpsk} -tsk
        [{-ADAccountOrGroup|-sid} {SID|domain\user|domain\group} [-service]}]
        [{-DiscoveryVolumeType|-dv} {FAT32|[none]|[default]}]
        [{-ForceEncryptionType|-fet} {Hardware|Software}]
        [{-ComputerName|-cn} ComputerName]
        [{-?|/?}] [{-Help|-h}]

    Encrypts the volume and turns BitLocker protection on.

Parameter List:
    Volume      A drive letter followed by a colon, a volume GUID path or
                a mounted volume. Example: "C:",
                \\?\Volume{26a21bda-a627-11d7-9931-806e6f6e6963}\ or
    -RecoveryPassword or -rp
                Adds a Numerical Password protector.
    -RecoveryKey or -rk
                Adds an External Key protector for recovery.
    -StartupKey or -sk
                Adds an External Key protector for startup.
    -Certificate or -cert
                Adds a public key protector for the data volume.
    -TPMAndPIN or -tp
                Adds a TPM And PIN protector for the OS volume.
    -TPMAndStartupKey or -tsk
                Adds a TPM And Startup Key protector for the OS volume.
    -TPMAndPINAndStartupKey or -tpsk
                Adds a TPM And PIN And Startup Key protector for the OS volume.
    -Password or -pw
                Adds a password key protector for the volume.
    -ADAccountOrGroup or -sid
                Adds a SID-based Identity protector for the volume.
    -UsedSpaceOnly or -used
                Performs encryption of the existing used space on the volume.
    -EncryptionMethod or -em
                Configures the encryption algorithm and key size.
    -SkipHardwareTest or -s
                Begins encryption without a hardware test.
    -Synchronous or -sync
                Forces manage-bde to wait until the -on command has finished
                before displaying the command prompt.
    -DiscoveryVolumeType or -dv
                Specify file system to use for the discovery volume.
    -ForceEncryptionType or -fet
                Forces BitLocker to use either software or hardware encryption.
    -RemoveVolumeShadowCopies or -rvsc
                Forces deletion of Volume Shadow Copies for the volume.
    -ComputerName or -cn
                Runs on another computer. Examples: "ComputerX", ""
    -? or /?    Displays brief help. Example: "-ParameterSet -?"
    -Help or -h Displays complete help. Example: "-ParameterSet -h"

    manage-bde -on C: -RecoveryPassword
    manage-bde -on C: -RecoveryKey e:\ -RecoveryPassword
    manage-bde -on C: -rp -rk "f:\Folder" -SkipHardwareTest
    manage-bde -on E: -pw
    manage-bde -on E: -UsedSpaceOnly
    manage-bde -on E: -sid Domain\User
    manage-bde -on E: -sid Domain\Machine$ -service