ASP.NET 4.0 is required to install [ProductName]. The MSI is looking specifically for versions (4.0.30306.0, 4.0.30319.0 or 4.0.30319.1). If you have a newer version that should be supported please ask for an MSI fix.
Are you sure that you want to leave this page? If you click OK, you will go to a different page and your changes will be ...
Are you sure that you want to refresh this page? If you click OK, your changes will be lost. Press OK to refresh this page, ...
Are you sure you want to delete the selected user account(s) from Lync Server? This action does not remove the selected user ...
As multiple edge machines have been defined in Xml node {0}, they should have a {1}. Please verify that {1} has been correctly ...
ASP.NET 4.0 is required to install ProductName]. The MSI is looking specifically for versions (4.0.30306.0, 4.0.30319.0 or ...
Assigns a specific certificate to a LogicalCertId in the local configuration database. Additional access control operations ...
Assigns group memberships and resource permissions to support Lync Server services running on the host computer. Do not run ...
Assigns the access rights granted during domain preparation to additional user and computer organizational units (OUs) in ...
Associated Lync Server Archiving Server is able to read message from Message Queuing queue in time. Queue: %1 Acknowledgement ...