{Project cannot insert more than ^1 rows in this view.}Use the Gantt Chart view to insert a new task or to create a new resource assignment.
Project cannot find the file.}Try the following: \- Check your network connections, and then try again. \- Click OK, and ...
Project cannot find the path for this file.}The specified path contains one or more folders that do not exist or cannot be ...
Project cannot find the path \"^1\".}The specified path contains one or more folders that do not exist or cannot be accessed. ...
Project cannot insert more than ^1 recurring tasks.}Either decrease the number of tasks you want to be recurring tasks, or ...
Project cannot insert more than ^1 rows in this view.}Use the Gantt Chart view to insert a new task or to create a new resource ...
Project cannot open the file.}\- Check that the file name and path are correct. \- Check that the file format is recognized ...
Project cannot open the linked object.}Try the following: \- Verify that the source document still exists. \- Verify that ...
Project cannot open the selected object.}Try the following: \- If you are trying to open a linked object, verify that the ...
Project cannot open this file because the format is not recognized.}The file was probably created by a newer version of Project. ...