VMM is unable to delete the logical network definition because dependent resources, such as VM Subnets or NativeUplinkPortProfiles are still associated. Contact your VMM administrator for details about this error.
VMM is unable to delete the load balancer (%LoadBalancerName;) because the service (%ServiceName;) depends on the virtual ...
VMM is unable to delete the logical network (%Name;) because other objects, such as network sites, virtual network adapters, ...
VMM is unable to delete the logical network because dependent resources, such as logical network definitions, are still associated. ...
VMM is unable to delete the logical network definition (%Name;) because other objects, such as VM Subnets or NativeUplinkPortProfiles ...
VMM is unable to delete the logical network definition because dependent resources, such as VM Subnets or NativeUplinkPortProfiles ...
VMM is unable to delete the logical switch because dependent resources are still associated. Contact your VMM administrator ...
VMM is unable to delete the native uplink port profile because dependent resources are still associated. Contact your VMM ...
VMM is unable to delete the UplinkPortProfileSet because dependent resources are still associated. Contact your VMM administrator ...
VMM is unable to delete the virtual switch extension (%Name;) because dependent resources, such as LogicalSwitches use it. ...