Protect Workbook Protects a workbook's structure and windows. After you protect the workbook, sheets can't be deleted, moved, hidden, unhidden, or renamed, and new sheets can't be inserted. You can also protect windows from being moved or resized. When you protect the active workbook, the button name changes to Unprotect Workbook. Affects: only the active workbook.
Proofing tools for use with Portuguese (Brazil) text. Includes Portuguese (Brazil) thesaurus, spelling, and hyphenation dictionaries. ...
Proofing tools for use with Portuguese (Portugal) text. Includes Portuguese thesaurus, spelling, and hyphenation dictionaries. ...
Protect and Share Workbook Protects the change history in a shared workbook and prevents others from removing a workbook ...
Protect Sheet Prevents changes to cells on sheets, items in a chart, and graphic objects on a sheet or chart sheet. When ...
Protect Workbook Protects a workbook's structure and windows. After you protect the workbook, sheets can't be deleted, moved, ...
Protect Workbook Protects workbooks from unauthorized changes, such as inserting, deleting, moving, hiding, unhiding, or ...
Provide feedback with animation Displays sheet movement and changes when you insert or delete cells, rows, or columns. Animation ...
Provide feedback with sound Plays available sounds that are associated with Microsoft Office application events, such as ...
Provide feedback with sound Plays available sounds that are associated with Office program events, such as opening, saving, ...