Usage: %1!ls! registry /COMMIT Set the specified registry key to the given value on a specific cluster, or all clusters. ...

Usage: %1!ls! registry  [] [/COMMIT]   Set the specified registry key to the given value on a specific cluster, or    all clusters.  This command does not actually invoke the changes unless the    /COMMIT option is specified; otherwise, it merely sets the registry keys to    the specified values.  In that case, use "reload" to invoke the changes when   necessary.      mcastipaddress   - sets the IGMP multicast IP address    masksrcmac       - toggles the mask source MAC option    iptomacenable    - toggles cluster IP to MAC address option    netmonalivemsgs  - toggles passing NLB heartbeats up to Netmon   - cluster name or cluster primary IP address to affect  /COMMIT     - commit the changes by notifying the NLB driver