%11Collection Evaluator failed to enumerate membership rules for collection "%1".%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. Solution: 1. Review the immediately preceding status messages from this component about SQL Server errors. 2. Verify that this computer can reach the SQL Server computer. 3. Verify that SQL Server services are running. 4. Verify that the site can access the site database. 5. Verify that the site database, transaction log, and tempdb are not full. If the problem persists, check the SQL Server error logs.%0
Collection Evaluator failed to delete collection "%1".%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. Solution: 1. Review the immediately ...
Collection Evaluator failed to enumerate collections.%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. Solution: 1. Review the immediately ...
Collection Evaluator failed to enumerate discovery architectures because it cannot retrieve the discovery architecture list ...
Collection Evaluator failed to enumerate members of collection "%1" at site "%2".%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. ...
Collection Evaluator failed to enumerate membership rules for collection "%1".%12 Possible cause: SQL Server problem. Solution: ...
Collection Evaluator failed to evalute some of the query rules for collection "%1" (%2).%12 Possible cause: Inventory or ...
Collection Evaluator failed to find collection "%1". Collection Evaluator received a .udc (update collection) or .adc (create ...
Collection Evaluator failed to process Collection Settings changes. These changes will be retried on next processing cycle.%12 ...
Collection Evaluator failed to process Collection Settings for Collection %1. This Collection Settings has been retried %2 ...