Your computer is running in a limited diagnostic state. If you use System Restore in this limited state, you cannot undo the restore operation. Help topics are not available in this state.
Your computer is currently part of an ad hoc (computer-to-computer) network. Inviting someone by using People Near Me or ...
Your computer is in high contrast mode, which restricts how Journal displays colors. To view the actual colors, on the Tools ...
Your computer is low on memory. Close some programs and try again, or search Help and Support for information about preventing ...
Your computer is ready to send faxes but you still need to choose how to answer incoming phone calls before you can receive ...
Your computer is running in a limited diagnostic state. If you use System Restore in this limited state, you cannot undo ...
Your computer is running the most recent version of Windows Media Player 11 and all of its components. No update is available ...
Your computer is set to the year %d, which will cause Windows Media Player to stop responding. Set your computer to the correct ...
Your computer is too busy at this time, please close some programs and try to refresh your Windows Experience Index again ...
Your computer might not have enough memory available. Close some programs, restart Windows Meeting Space, and then try again. ...