Failed to find predicates sources from predicate candidates source '{0}' as the predicate source threw an exception when accessing the collection of sources.
Failed to find predicates as a null collection of predicate sources was returned by the predicate candidates source '{0}'. ...
Failed to find predicates sources from predicate candidates source '{0}' as a null predicate source was found in the collection. ...
Failed to find predicates sources from predicate candidates source '{0}' as the predicate source returned a null group of ...
Failed to find predicates sources from predicate candidates source '{0}' as the predicate source returned a null set of predicate ...
Failed to find predicates sources from predicate candidates source '{0}' as the predicate source threw an exception when ...
Failed to find the name of the SQL Server Failover Cluster. Please ensure that the name you provided is correct, or try again ...
Failed to format string for error %1!s!, language id %2!s!. This may be caused by low memory in server, or error happening ...
Failed to gain access to the database access object because the database access object was not connected to a Data Quality ...
Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in copying database files. The connection will be closed.%1!s! ...