Culture of the BizTalk assembly for which to export the binding file. If you specify inputs for Name, Version, Culture, and PublicKeyToken arguments, you do not need to specify input for the Assembly argument.
Creates all databases described in the configuration file (primary import, star schema, archiving, analysis, and alerts) ...
Creates and adds a new Application to the collection of Applications in the group. Returns the newly created IBizTalkApplication ...
Creates and adds a new receive location to the receive port. The first receive location added is designated as the primary ...
Creation of the WMI namespace failed with error: {0}. Resolve the issue that is causing the exception, and then retry the ...
Culture of the BizTalk assembly for which to export the binding file. If you specify inputs for Name, Version, Culture, and ...
Currently BAS is not configured with the BizTalk management sever '{0}'. Please install BAS in order to use its features. ...
Custom action '[2]' has caused an unhandled exception and has been stopped. This may be the result of an internal error in ...
Database "%1" on server "%2" already exists. When creating a new Group, only blank database is accepted. When join an existing ...
Database "%1" on server "%2" is not compatible with the Hws administration database currently registered for this Group. ...