The status of the session. The following statuses are used: Started (Async Server has started to create the data package ...

The status of the session. The following statuses are used: Started (Async Server has started to create the data package in the working folder), Available (the data package is available for download), Requested (the data package has been requested by Async Client), Downloaded (the data package has been downloaded by Async Client), Applied (the data package has been applied to the channel database), Canceled (the session was canceled), Create failed (the data package could not be created, and you should review the detailed error message for more information, resolve the error, and run the distribution schedule again; if the distribution schedule runs as part of a batch job, it is run again the next time that the batch job runs), Download failed (the data package could not be downloaded, and you should review the detailed error message for more information; after you have resolved the error, Async Client tries the download again according to the retry interval), and Apply failed (the data package could not be applied to the channel database, and you should review the detailed error message for more information, fix any configuration issue, and wait for the next retry by Async Client; if there is a data issue that you can't resolve by modifying the database schema, cancel the session).
English (United States)