install /directory:Partition_Name /server:DC_Name /forcedefault /directory Specifies the DNS name of the TAPI application ...

install /directory:Partition_Name [/server:DC_Name] [/forcedefault]
            /directory     Specifies the DNS name of the TAPI application
                           directory partition to be created.  Note: This name
                           must be a fully qualified domain name.
            /server        Specifies the DNS name of the domain controller on
                           which the TAPI application directory partition is to
                           be created.  If the domain controller name is not
                           specified, the name of the local computer is used.
            /forcedefault  An optional switch that forces the newly created TAPI
                           application partition directory to be the default
                           TAPI application partition directory for the domain.
                           There can be multiple TAPI application directory
                           partitions in a domain, but only one can become
                           default for the domain.
English (United States)