Windows cannot perform filter check for Group Policy object %1. The WMI service is currently disabled. This Group Policy Object will be skipped.
Windows cannot open the Configure Your Server Wizard because the Windows Components Wizard is currently running. Before continuing, ...
Windows cannot open this program because it has been prevented by a software restriction policy. For more information, open ...
Windows cannot perform an Indexing Service query on one or more of the volumes you selected because those volumes are not ...
Windows cannot perform filter check for Group Policy object %1. The associated filter cannot be found. This Group Policy ...
Windows cannot perform filter check for Group Policy object %1. The WMI service is currently disabled. This Group Policy ...
Windows cannot play the %s file. The file may be damaged or may use an unrecognized compression format. To resolve this problem, ...
Windows cannot properly create this user object. The most likely cause is that the current domain or group policy requires ...
Windows cannot query DllName registry entry for %1 and it will not be loaded. This is most likely caused by a faulty registration. ...
Windows cannot query for the list of Group Policy objects. Check the event log for possible messages previously logged by ...