Error - Unable to complete the Update Shapes process. Please ensure that the database modeling solution is running and that macros are enabled before trying again.
Drag to add an object for which no corresponding LDAP shape can be found. You can apply an existing class to this object. ...
Due to a DAO limitation, one or more constraints could not be added to the database. Please refer to the file UNMAPPED.TXT ...
Enter a maximum value that is between 2 and 2147483647. (A blank value or a value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum.) ...
ER Source Model documents are used when a large schema is to be broken up into smaller logical sections. Several Source Model ...
Error - Unable to complete the Update Shapes process. Please ensure that the database modeling solution is running and that ...
error C1016: '%1!.1023s!' : Nesting is only allowed for predicates with a uniqueness constraint that spans all roles or one ...
error C1041: %1!.1023s! (%2!.1023s!) has an invalid range of %3!.1023s! specified in its Value\Range constraint. Use a value ...
error C1045: %1!.1023s! (%2!.1023s!) has a fixed-point numeric data type but its Value\Range constraint contains floating ...
error C1046: '%1!.1023s!' : %2!.1023s! has a textual value of %3!.1023s! specified in its Value\Range constraint that is ...