The date for which all transactions that have open (not settled) amounts are found. Foreign currency amounts are revalued ...

The date for which all transactions that have open (not settled) amounts are found. Foreign currency amounts are revalued with the exchange rates that are entered in the Currency exchange rates page for the considered date. When foreign currency amounts are revalued on a considered date, this date becomes the last foreign currency revaluation date for the transactions that are revalued. You can run a foreign currency revaluation job for a considered date that is earlier than the last foreign currency revaluation date on transactions that have already been revalued. However, transactions that are open on the earlier considered date, but that have a more recent last foreign currency revaluation date, are not revalued by the periodic job. Therefore, the last foreign currency revaluation date is no longer updated when you revalue foreign currency amounts for a single transaction, but only when you run the vendor foreign currency revaluation periodic job.
English (United States)