USAGE: Dfsutil is an administrative tool to perform operations on DFS namespaces. Usage: dfsutil /OPTIONS /Root: /View /Verbose ...

USAGE: Dfsutil is an administrative tool to perform operations on DFS namespaces.  Usage: dfsutil [/OPTIONS]      /Root: /View [/Verbose]     /Root: /Export: [/Verbose]     /Root: /Import: /Set|Merge|Compare [/Verbose] [/NoBackup]      /Root: /Import: /BlobSize     /Root: /ImportRoot: /Mirror|Compare                     [/Verbose] [/NoBackup]      /Server: /View     /Domain: /View              /AddFtRoot /Server: /Share: /Comment:     /AddStdRoot /Server: /Share: /Comment:     /RemStdRoot /Server: /Share:     /RemFtRoot /Server: /Share:     /RemFtRoot: /Server: /Share:     /AddLink /Path: /Server: /Share: /Comment:     /RemoveLink /Path: /Server: /Share:      /SiteName:      /DisplayDfsPath:         / /? - Detailed usage information for specific command          -----------Advanced Commands -----------------------------------------     /UnmapFtRoot /Root: /Server: /Share:     /Clean /Server: /Share:      /Root: /SiteCosting /Enable|Disable|Display [/Verbose]     /Root: /RootScalability /Enable|Disable|Display [/Verbose]     /Path: /InSite /Enable|Disable|Display [/Verbose]     /Path: /TargetFailback /Enable|Disable|Display [/Verbose]     /Path: /TargetPriority /Server: /Share:                     [/Display] [/Set] [/PriorityRank:]                      [/PriorityClass:]                     [/Verbose]     /Path: /State /Server: /Share: /Enable|Disable|Display [/Verbose]     /Path: {/TTL: /Set}|{/TTL /Display} [/Verbose]      /ViewDfsDirs: [/RemoveReparse]  [/Verbose]     -----------Registry Related Commands ---------------------------------     /SiteCostedReferrals[:] /Server: /Display|/Set     /LdapTimeoutValueInSeconds[:] /Server: /Display|/Set     /InsiteReferrals[:] /Server: /Display|/Set     /DfsDnsConfig[:] /Server: /Display|/Set     /SyncIntervalinSeconds[:] /Server: /Display|/Set     /PreferLogonDC[:] /Server: /Display|/Set     /DfsDcNameDelay[:] /Server: /Display|/Set     /ProviderCacheTimeoutInMinutes[:] /Server: /Display|/Set     -----------Client-side Only Commands-----------------------------------     /PktFlush        - Flush the local referral cached information     /SpcFlush        - Flush the local domain cached information     /PktInfo         - Show DFS internal information.     /SpcInfo         - Show DFS internal information.     /PurgeMupCache   - Flush the local DFS/MUP cached information     /DisplayMupCache - Display the local DFS/MUP cached information