Workflow Foundation 4.0 Module - Workflow execution failed. Error Details: %6 WF Workflow Name: %5 One or more workflows were affected by this. Workflow name: %2 Instance name: %3 Instance ID: %4 Management group: %1
Windows Azure storage table '%8' does not exist in the storage account '%9'. Please verify that the table exists in the storage ...
Windows Installer service could not be accessed. Contact your support personnel to verify that it is properly registered ...
Windows PowerShell is a new interactive command-line and task-based scripting technology in Windows that enables administrators ...
Windows PowerShell is an optional component for Windows Server 2008 and can be installed by using the "Add a Feature" option ...
Workflow Foundation 4.0 Module - Workflow execution failed. Error Details: %6 WF Workflow Name: %5 One or more workflows ...
Workflow Foundation 4.0 module could not be started because the following data item reference could not be resolved: $Data/%6$ ...
Workflow Foundation 4.0 module failed to load the below assembly: Assembly = %6 Error Details: %7 WF Workflow Name: %5 One ...
Workflow Foundation 4.0 module failed to load the type: %6 from assembly: %7 Error Details: %8 WF Workflow Name: %5 One or ...
Workflow Foundation 4.0 Module failed to save %7 data for this workflow. Error Details: %6 WF Workflow Name: %5 One or more ...