We're sad to see you go! Your subscription '%(subName)s %(subscriptionId)s' and services will be deleted on %(deleteDate)s because you previously cancelled your subscription.
We're sad to see you go! Your subscription '%(subName)s %(subscriptionId)s' and services have been deleted on %(deleteDate)s. ...
We're sad to see you go! Your subscription '%(subName)s %(subscriptionId)s' and services were disabled on %(disabledDate)s ...
We're sad to see you go! Your subscription '%(subName)s %(subscriptionId)s' and services were disabled on %(disabledDate)s ...
We're sad to see you go! Your subscription '%(subName)s %(subscriptionId)s' and services will be deleted on %(deleteDate)s ...
We're sad to see you go! Your subscription '%(subName)s %(subscriptionId)s' and services will be deleted on %(deleteDate)s ...
We're sending this message to confirm that you changed your password on %1. You don't need to do anything more, this is only ...
We're sorry that we can't contact you in your language right now. Please let us know what language we can use instead to ...
We're sorry to see you go. If you change your mind and want to keep using this Microsoft account, just sign in between now ...
We're sorry, but accounts ending in FederatedDomainName_LS are issued and managed by the domain owner. To create a Microsoft ...