/Get-Images Used to query the server for the images available to be applied using the /Apply-Image command. Displays values ...

/Get-Images                       Used to query the server for the 
                                  images available to be applied using
                                  the /Apply-Image command. Displays
                                  values that may be used with /ApplyImage
                                  such as /SourceFile, /Namespace, and /Index.

/Apply-Image                      Used to apply OS images from the image
                                  store of a WDS server to a destination
                                  disk, with the image data streamed over
                                  the multicast protocol. Only images
                                  listed by /Get-Images are supported;
                                  custom namespaces and multicast content
                                  providers are not supported. Reference WIM
                                  files are resolved automatically, and 
                                  a connection to the remote share is 
                                  established automatically.

/Apply-CustomImage                Used to apply OS images from custom
                                  namespaces and content providers. The
                                  direct paths to the OS images on a remote
                                  share must be specified in addition to
                                  the multicast Namespace and SourceFile.
                                  If reference WIMs are used, the multicast
                                  SourceFile and direct path for the reference
                                  must be specified explicitly. A connection
                                  to the remote share must already be