There are no Secure Store Target Applications in this Secure Store Service Application. You can create a new Target Application from the Manage Target Applications group in the Edit ribbon group.
There are no permission policy levels currently defined on this web application. To add a permission policy level, select ...
There are no projects in the base optimizer portfolio selection scenario or the supplied project set differs from the optimizer ...
There are no registered wizards of this type.@Rerun |9 or Microsoft Office Setup to reinstall the wizards. If you want to ...
There are no responses for some of the periods for the specified date range. The date range will be adjusted to show only ...
There are no Secure Store Target Applications in this Secure Store Service Application. You can create a new Target Application ...
There are no solutions in the solution store. Before you can deploy a solution package, you must submit the solution package ...
There are no status indicators in the indicator list. To add status indicators to the list edit the page and click "New" ...
There are no suitable data graphics on this page. If you apply a data graphic, you can use a legend to clarify the meaning ...
There are no tags on this page. You can use tags to classify and remember pages, documents, or even external sites. The tags ...