The subscription has expired. Mark the subscription for reinitialization and restart the Merge Agent to reinitialize the subscription.
The subscription database was successfully attached. The subscription will be visible the next time you run Windows Synchronization ...
The subscription has been marked as removed and will be absent from the list of subscriptions the next time you run Windows ...
The subscription has been marked for reinitialization. Reinitialization will occur the next time you synchronize this subscription. ...
The subscription has expired and is no longer available. Do you want to mark the subscription for reinitialization? Reinitialization ...
The subscription has expired. Mark the subscription for reinitialization and restart the Merge Agent to reinitialize the ...
The subscription has not been synchronized within the maximum retention period or it has been dropped at the Publisher. You ...
The subscription is read-only. The publication that this subscription synchronizes with allows updates at the Subscriber, ...
The subscription is uninitialized or unavailable for immediate updating as it is marked for reinitialization. If using queued ...
The subscription setup script path has been truncated, because the snapshot folder directory path is too long. Reconfigure ...