Publisher is now in spot color mode, so the color dialogs will only include shades of gray and your spot color(s). The objects in your publication are restricted to the colors available in the color dialogs.
Publisher has found %d new items in your Building Block Library folder. Do you want to add these items to the Building Block ...
Publisher has searched the entire story. Do you want to continue searching the rest of the publication, including the master ...
Publisher is closing because of low memory or because your hard disk is full. %s has been saved successfully, but Publisher ...
Publisher is low on memory and cannot show master page objects on both pages. To make more memory available, save your work ...
Publisher is now in spot color mode, so the color dialogs will only include shades of gray and your spot color(s). The objects ...
Publisher is unable to create a new border. The Clip Organizer has not been installed correctly. To reinstall the Clip Organizer, ...
Publisher may not be able to show this Encapsulated PostScript image on your screen, but the image will appear when you print ...
Publisher ran out of memory during Autoflow. This operation will be incomplete. To make more memory available, close other ...
Publisher supports a maximum of 128 rows and 128 columns in a table. If the table you are importing exceeds this limit, Publisher ...