Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only This security setting determines whether local ...

Accounts: Limit local account use of blank passwords to console logon only  This security setting determines whether local accounts that are not password protected can be used to logon from locations other than the physical computer console. If enabled, then local accounts that are not password protected will only be able to log on at the computer's keyboard.  Default: Enabled.   Warning:  Computers that are not in physically secure locations should always enforce strong password policies for all local user accounts. Otherwise, anyone with physical access to the computer can log on using a user account that does not have a password. This is especially important for portable computers. If you apply this security policy to the Everyone group, no one will be able to log on through terminal services.  Notes  This setting does not affect logons that use domain accounts. It is possible for applications that use remote interactive logons to bypass this setting.