Applies an SCW generated security policy to a machine. Also accepts a list of machines as input. Syntax: scwcmd configure ...

Applies an SCW generated security policy to a machine. Also accepts a list of machines as input.    Syntax: scwcmd configure [[[/m:machine | /ou:ou] /p:policy] | /i:machinelist] [/u:username] [/t:threads]    /m:machine Specifies the NetBIOS Name, DNS Name or IP Address of a     machine to configure. If /m is specified, then /p must     also be specified.    /ou:ou  Specifies the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of an OU     in the Active Directory. If /ou is specified, then /p must     also be specified. All machines in the OU will be configured     with the given policy.    /p:policy Specifies the path and filename of the xml policy file that     should be applied.    /i:machinelist Specifies the path and filename of an xml file that contains     a list of machines along with their desired  policy files.     The policy files will be applied to the corresponding machines.    See %windir%\security\msscw\kbs\SampleMachineList.xml    /u:username Specifies an alternate credential to use when performing a     remote configuration. Default is the logged on username.    /t:threads Specifies the number of simultaneous outstanding configuration     operations that should be maintained during the configuration     process. Default is 40.    Examples:  scwcmd configure /p:webpolicy.xml  scwcmd configure /m: /p:webpolicy.xml /u:webadmin  scwcmd configure /i:campusmachines.xml /t:100  scwcmd configure /ou:OU=WebServers,DC=Marketing,DC=ABCCompany,DC=com /p:webpolicy.xml /u:DomainAdmin
English (United States)