/Set-TargetPath:Sets the target path of the Windows PE image. The target path represents a path to the root of the Windows PE image at boot time. A valid path is an absolute path that begins with a drive letter C-Z, contains no empty path elements ('\'), and must exist when the Windows PE image is booted. Example: DISM.exe /Image:C: est\offline /Set-TargetPath:C: est\image
/Set-ScratchSpace:{32|64|128|256|512} Sets the configured amount of Windows PE system volume scratch space. This setting ...
/Set-SetupUILang: Defines the default language that will be used by setup. If this language cannot be used, setup will fall ...
/Set-SKUIntlDefaults: Sets the default system UI language, the language for non-Unicode programs, the "standards and formats" ...
/Set-SysLocale: Sets the language for non-Unicode programs (also called system locale) and font settings in the mounted offline ...
/Set-TargetPath: Sets the target path of the Windows PE image. The target path represents a path to the root of the Windows ...
/Set-TimeZone: Sets the default time zone in a Windows image. Before setting the time zone, DISM verifies that the specified ...
/Set-UILang: Sets the default system user interface (UI) language that is used in the mounted offline image. If the language ...
/Set-UILangFallback: Sets the fallback default language for the system UI in the mounted offline image. This setting is used ...
/Set-UserLocale: Sets the "standards and formats" language (also called user locale) in the mounted offline image. The "Standards ...