s! name= host= device= conntype= persistent | dd idletime= redialatt= redialinterval= callback= enabled | disabled restrictions= ...

%1!s! [name=]      [host=] 
              [device=]    [[conntype=] persistent | dd] 
              [[idletime=]]  [[redialatt=]] 
              [[redialinterval=] ] 
              [[callback=] enabled | disabled] 
              [[admin=] enabled | disabled] 
              [[connstate=] connect | disconnect] 
   Sets the option settings for a demand dial interface 
   name   - Name of the Interface 
   host   - For connection using VPN device, Host name/IP of the remote 
          - For connection  using physical device(like Modem), comma separated 
            list of phone numbers (primary , alternate1, alternate2…. ) 
   device - For connection using VPN device, VPN strategy : auto,  pptp, or l2tp 
          - For connection  using a physical device, name of the Dialup device 
   conntype - Connection Type either Demand Dial or Persistent,  
            - For connection type: Demand Dial, idletime should be specified. 
   idletime - Connection idle time out in minutes. The legal values are : 
              0, 1, 5, 20, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, and 720 
   redialatt - Number of redial attempts. Value should be between 1 and 99 
   redialinterval - Wait time between redialing  attempts in seconds. The 
                    legal values are : 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 300, 600 
   callback - Enable or Disable Callback 
   restrictions - The times during which dial-out is restricted, specified in 
                  a comma separated string where day is a numeral that  
                  corresponds to a day of the week (Sunday = 0, Monday = 1 …. 
                  Saturday = 6): "