You might want to have a list of those users handy before you get started. If you like, you can start adding users now and then finish later.
You have successfully retrieved your temporary password. Please sign in to the Microsoft Online Services Administration Center ...
You have to confirm that you own the email address before you can use it in %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT%. Confirming can take ...
You haven't configured this domain to use any services that require you to configure DNS settings. To choose or update the ...
You may not have the %BRAND_OFFICE_365_SHORT% license needed to set up your phone or tablet. Contact your admin to find out ...
You might want to have a list of those users handy before you get started. If you like, you can start adding users now and ...
You must be an Administrator to remove this application. To remove this application, you can log on as an Administrator, ...
You must choose a strong password that contains 9 to 16 characters, a combination of letters, and at least one number or ...
You must enter at least one e-mail address. If there is more than one e-mail address, separate the addresses with a semicolon. ...
You must log in from a different operating system in order to download the %BRAND_ONLINE_SERVICES% Module for Windows PowerShell. ...