This tool runs an energy assessment within a job file in either battery rundown mode or diagnostics mode. usage: EnergyJob ...

This tool runs an energy assessment within a job file in either battery rundown mode or diagnostics mode.

usage: EnergyJob [/Rundown | /Diag] /Job  /RunIndex  /Temp  /Results 


Specifies the energy job will rundown the battery to a specified end condition (see /DCEnd).
May not be specified with /Diag (one or the other is required)


Specifies the energy job will run one iteration and produce energy consumption diagnostic metrics.
May not be specified with /Rundown (one or the other is required)


Required parameter specifies path\filename of job file which contains the energy assessment to run.


Required parameter specifies index of energy assessment to run within the job file specified.


Required parameter specifies an existing path\directory where temporary state is stored.


Required parameter specifies an existing path\directory where the results will be generated.


Optionally specifies the minimum required battery level percentage to begin testing.  If rundown
mode, the default value is 98 and must be larger than the rundown percentage.  If diagnostics mode
the default value is to run the assessment on AC power.


Optionally specifies the percentage level the battery rundown will complete (0 for complete rundown). 
The default value is the system's critical battery warning level. 
May not be specified with /Diag


Optionally specifies the frequency in minutes to save the results to disk once a critical battery level
has been reached.  The default if not specified is every 1 minute.


Optionally specifies not to verify a dll is properly signed before loading it.


Optional parameter suppresses all UI normally displayed and instead chooses default action.


Optional parameter that continues execution when a prerequisite system check fails and /Silent is specified.


Optional parameter that, if specified, skips the assessment preparation step of executing tasks that are scheduled
to run when the system goes idle.  Specifying this may adversely affect your results if any of these tasks start
while the assessment is running.