Virtual disk %1 requires a data integrity scan. Data on the disk is out-of-sync and a data integrity scan is required. To start the scan, run the following command: Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "Data Integrity Scan for Crash Recovery" | Start-ScheduledTask Once you have resolved the condition listed above, you can online the disk by using the following commands in PowerShell: Get-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsReadOnly $false Get-VirtualDisk | ?{ $_.ObjectId -Match "%1" } | Get-Disk | Set-Disk -IsOffline $false
Virtual Circuit Closed} The network transport on your computer has closed a network connection because it had to wait too ...
Virtual Circuit Closed} The network transport on your computer has closed a network connection. There may or may not be I/O ...
Virtual disk %1 could not be repaired because there is not enough free space in the storage pool. Replace any failed or disconnected ...
Virtual disk %1 has failed a write operation to all its copies. You can online the disk by using the following commands in ...
Virtual disk %1 requires a data integrity scan. Data on the disk is out-of-sync and a data integrity scan is required. To ...
Virtual disk '%3' failed to open because a problem occurred when attempting to open a virtual disk in the differencing chain, ...
Virtual disk '%3' failed to open because a problem occurred when attempting to open a virtual disk in the differencing chain, ...
Virtual Disk Service (VDS) is not registered. VDS supports Windows 2003 or later. Check the operating system version on the ...
Virtual domain controller cloning failed to bind to the primary domain controller %1. The returned error code is %2 (%3). ...