Your organization requires you to select an action type when you create a new position. Select an action type, and then enter the position details.
Your organization no longer has a valid service plan. Your most recent valid service plan expired on {0}. Your access to ...
Your organization no longer has a valid service plan. Your most recent valid service plan expired on {0}. Your account name ...
Your organization requires you to select an action type when you change compensation. Select an action type, and then click ...
Your organization requires you to select an action type when you create a new position. Select an action type and then enter ...
Your organization requires you to select an action type when you create a new position. Select an action type, and then enter ...
Your organization requires you to select an action type when you modify a position. Select an action type, and then change ...
Your organization's Microsoft Dynamics AX service plan expired on {0} ! Your access to Lifecycle Services will be cut off ...
Your organization's Microsoft Dynamics service plan expired on {0}! Your account name and organization account number are: ...
Your password has expired or has been reset. Your password must be changed before you can access any services. Check to see ...