You must exit this configuration wizard and install the updated versions of these products before SharePoint can be upgraded.
You must enter a Product Key now to continue to use your %s programs. If you choose not to enter a Product Key now, the program ...
You must enter Group By in the Total row for a field that has Column Heading in the Crosstab row.@The values derived from ...
You must enter Group By in the Total row for at least one of the Row Heading options you enter in the Crosstab row.@1@1@9980@1 ...
You must enter the name of the table you are creating or appending records to.@You tried to define a make-table or append ...
You must exit this configuration wizard and install the updated versions of these products before SharePoint can be upgraded. ...
You must first turn on the versioning in this list before adding or creating columns which append changes to the existing ...
You must fix all of the errors before the wizard can %1!.1023s! the database schema. Click Cancel to exit the wizard. After ...
You must have a personal address book to create an entry. To add a personal address book, click the File Tab, and then on ...
You must have a SharePoint Workspace account to open this file. When you click OK, SharePoint Workspace will help you create ...