The computer name contains more than 15 characters. When a computer name has more then 15 characters, it can cause issues on the network. Please change your computer name to 15 characters or less.
The computer list contains non-domain computers. You must select at least one certificate authority to be used for these ...
The computer name %2 contains one or more non-standard characters. Standard characters include letters (A-Z, a-z), digits ...
The computer name attribute of a recovery password record is in unknown format. Make sure you have the most current version ...
The computer name contains more than 15 characters. When a computer name has more then 15 characters, it can cause issues ...
The computer name contains more than 15 characters. When a computer name has more then 15 characters, it can cause issues ...
The computer name contains one or more non-standard characters and cannot be connected to the server. Standard characters ...
The computer name is blank or it contains invalid characters. Try typing it again. Invalid characters include: spaces, tabs, ...
The computer name is blank or it contains invalid characters. Try typing it again. Invalid characters include: spaces, tabs, ...
The computer name {0} contains a character that is not valid. A computer name must consist of only the following characters: ...