A new (!idspnDocumentCache_Short) has been created. A copy of the cache has been saved as "|0". Do you want to attempt to recover pending uploads from the saved copy of the cache?
A minor version has been exported with no corresponding major version. It is possible that this item was unpublished then ...
A mismatched range of cells is being pasted into a merged cell. For example, if you merge eight cells and then try to paste ...
A more up-to-date enterprise global template is available.}Changes have been made to the enterprise global template in the ...
A navigation bar is a set of hyperlinks used to navigate through a Web publication. You can add a navigation bar to each ...
A new (!idspnDocumentCache_Short) has been created. A copy of the cache has been saved as "|0". Do you want to attempt to ...
A new Document Workspace will be created. A copy of this document will be stored in the new workspace. From the new workspace, ...
A new Document Workspace will be created. A copy of this document will be stored in the new workspace. You can automatically ...
A new form cannot be created, because the form template was removed from your computer. To fix this problem, make sure that ...
A new Microsoft Exchange account cannot be manually configured while Outlook is running. To add a manually configured account, ...