Creating Partial Replica Filter Expressions: Your partial replica filter expression specifies the records in a particular ...

Creating Partial Replica Filter Expressions: Your partial replica filter expression specifies the records in a particular table that you want to be in the partial replica. The wizard also applies this filter to all of the related tables in your database to ensure that you get all the appropriate records. The filter expression you specify is similar to a SQL WHERE clause, except it can't contain any aggregate functions, user-defined functions, or subqueries. Some examples of filter expressions you could use include: [EmployeeID] = 1, [LastName] = 'Smith' And [FirstName] = 'John', [OrderDate] < #1/1/96# Or [ShippedDate] < #3/1/96#. When Microsoft Office Access uses your filter expression to determine what records to retrieve for your partial replica, it queries the replica database. Therefore, to enhance performance you should index each field in the replica that you use in your filter expression.