The message was forwarded to the Inbox of the following address:
Address: {ForwardedAddress}
If the recipient can't find the message in their Inbox folder, the message might have been deleted or moved to another folder (such as Junk Email) either manually or automatically based on an Inbox rule or Sweep rule the recipient set up. Ask them to search for the message across all folders in their mailbox.
Tip: If the recipient still can't find the message in Outlook, they might be having connection problems. Ask them to try restarting Outlook or use Outlook on the web to check their mail instead.
To troubleshoot Outlook problems, download Support and Recovery Assistant for Office 365.
The message was forwarded to the following address and then delivered to the following folder: Address: {ForwardedAddress} ...
The message was forwarded to the following address and then delivered to the Junk Email folder: Address: {ForwardedAddress} ...
The message was forwarded to the following address: External address: {ForwardedAddress} To stop mail forwarding, have the ...
The message was forwarded to the Inbox folder of the following address. Address: {ForwardedAddress} To stop mail forwarding, ...
The message was forwarded to the Inbox of the following address: Address: {ForwardedAddress} If the recipient can't find ...
The message was marked as non-spam and is bulk mail. Bulk mail and spam mail are not the same, and Office 365 gives admins ...
The message was marked as spam and deleted. This happened because an admin in your organization created a spam policy that ...
The message was marked as spam and deleted. This happened because an admin in your organization created a spam policy that ...
The message was marked as spam because one of your organization s rules is setting spam confidence level at 5 or above for ...