Windows Event Viewer Eventvwr /v: /l: /c: /f: /? - Specifies the computer name of the machine to view events for. If this ...

Windows Event Viewer  Eventvwr [] [/v:] [/l:] [/c:] [/f:] [/?]   -- Specifies the computer name of the machine to view events for. If this is not given, local machine is assumed.  /v: -- Specifies a query or a view file created by event viewer. Query file must contain a valid Crimson XML query, starts with ; View file contains the XML query string along with other settings, but doesn't contain events. This option is mutually exclusive with /c and /l.  /l: -- Specifies the log file to be opened. This log file should be an exported evtx, evt or etl file. This option is mutually exclusive with /v and /c.  /c: -- Specifies the name of the channel to be selected when the viewer starts. This option is mutually exclusive with /v and /l.  /f: -- If used in conjunction with /c or /l, this specifies the filter to be applied to the channel or log, in the form of an XPath query; if not in conjunction with /c or /l, this must be a valid Crimson XML query, starts with . If the query contains space, it must be enclosed in double quotes.  /? -- Shows this usage message.